March 18, 2015

How does algebra apply to computer programming

I can see college level algebra skills being very applicable to the mobile application development field. Being able to look at different problems and actually seeing equations is a good beginner level skill for computer programmers. By being able to translate actual problems into math, solving those problems becomes more possible.
It is important to note that some beginning computer programmers can look at some entry level computer programming code and see algebraic equations. This is a common misconception. Sadly this can have a potential negative impact on potential future computer programmers.
While some terms can have similar meanings, like laws, functions, and systems, a solid understanding of some programming terminology can assist with any confusion. A good discussion on the definition of variables, how assignment works, and defining programming and programs can go a long way.

I can’t see becoming a successful computer programmer as a reality for myself without an understanding of algebra. Algebra is about being able to utilize mathematical and scientific principles to recognize patterns and then utilizing those patterns to solve problems.  

March 12, 2015

Underemployment and labor utilization

One way to loosely define the term ‘underemployment’ as it applies to economics would be to say that it is a measure of labor utilization and employment, specifically in regard to how well the labor force is being utilized in terms of experience, availability, and skills.

One example from my personal life is a family member who went to school. She has invested the equivalent of a two-year degree in her education. This qualifies her to work in an entry level position in her chosen field. Fresh out of school she was employed full-time by a large corporation. 

Sadly, the stores she worked in were very poorly managed, at some points she felt disregard for her health and the health of her customers. After applying to local salons, she was promptly turned away with elitist attitudes and given the impression she wasn’t good enough to work for a high-end salon. Completely discouraged by these experiences, she has decided to abandon her chosen field, for the moment.

This has left her with part-time employment by another corporation, even though she was seeking full-time work, and has asked repeatedly for more hours. She makes minimum wage, regardless of her college-level education. She is very highly regarded among her coworkers and management, and has been praised for her leadership and customer service skills. She has been seeking other employment, but from time to time her managers let her know that she is being “considered” for a service desk position. This would be a position that brings home a few more cents per hour, but no more hours per week. 

March 10, 2015

Trends regarding teens posting on social media

I am of the opinion that teens are getting smarter about what they are posting on social networks. Teens have been know to over share private information on social networking sites in the past. These social networking sites have been designed and engineered to psychologically encourage people to share personal details with others. A report based on the survey results in 2012 of 802 teens was compared to a similar report from 2006 and some very interesting facts were revealed.

Teens share more information today about themselves than they did in 2006. Today,  91% of teens post a photo of themselves, 71% post their school name, 71% post the city or town where they live, 53% post their email address, and 20% post their cell phone numbers. These percentages have increased significantly since the 2006 study. New questions on the 2012 study reflected the following statistics: 60 percent of Facebook teens keep their profiles private. However, 92% post using their real name on at least one profile, 82% post their birth date, and 62% post their relationship status. 

March 6, 2015

Testing Windows 10

So I decided to load up the Windows 10 Tech Preview on my PC. Why not? I need to be aware of issues and the processes related to the installation and upgrade of Windows in order to do my job as an IT professional.

Here are some things I have found so far:

- PIN login for Microsoft accounts is currently broken: MS is updating these features to allow us to use more secure PINs to login with. It is sort of a pain if you are logging in with an MS account. A workaround is to perform the Windows 10 installation as an upgrade from an OS where you are already using a PIN login. I have verified this to be working from Windows 8.1 Pro.

- SonicWALL Global VPN client was broken at first. A reinstall of the software resolved the issue.

- Notifications seem a bit off. I am still getting a notification for Raptr when I login, even though I promptly uninstalled it after loading my graphics drivers.

- Modern Applications: From what I understand, this is a universal app that launches and runs the same on tablets and desktops. The issue here is that many applications will want to launch this way by default, like OneNote and Control Panel. This is reminiscent of the Metro UI from Windows 8, in my opinion. MS should let us default to a desktop application at all times.

Overall, I'm pleased with Windows 10. Looking forward to the RC!

March 4, 2015

Preventing conflicts caused by scheduling issues

Scheduling issues are a large problem when it comes to project management. The coordination of a team to achieve project goals can sometimes be a demanding task. Even in a project where there is only one engineer doing project tasks, scheduling can be a problem. If that engineer gets sick or if there is another emergency that comes up, the entire project could be put at risk to be pushed back, since the outcome of one task often has a direct effect on the other tasks that are planned to be executed. Time management is such an important skill that different project management styles such as Agile or Scrum have their own techniques for time management.

Time management is an essential required skill for project managers. The project manager is often times in charge of managing the project team’s schedule, and if the project manager lacks the skills to manage their own time, one would imagine they would not be very successful at managing the schedules of the members of the project team.

March 2, 2015

Entrepreneurs and social media

Some entrepreneurs feel differently about social media than others, as can be expected. According to an article I read, some entrepreneurs feel like social media arose as a marketing platform too quickly, and that it now has a reputation for being a passing marketing interest.
An article on Hubspot states that ninety-two percent of marketers in 2014 claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, and eighty percent also indicated that their efforts have increased traffic to their websites. The same article goes on to say that more than eighty-four percent of participants found that improved traffic ensued with as little as six hours per week devoted to social media marketing, and out of those with at least one year of experience actively using social media, sixty-nine percent or more discovered that social platforms provided significant marketplace insight.

Personally, I think that social media is an outlet that has great potential for entrepreneurs. With the right amount of hype and exposure, massive amounts of attention can be brought to any cause. In my opinion, social media has great power when utilized correctly. That being said, when used incorrectly or when mistakes are made on social media sites they can be quite detrimental.  

February 26, 2015

Flowcharts or Pseudocode

Each student individually would need to decide whether flowcharts or pseudo code as a technique for learning programming is better. Each student will find different pros and cons to either tool. As to whether or not a tool is better, that is a matter of opinion.
Initially, I would think that I would be more successful learning using pseudo code. However, I know from past experience doing network and systems design that drawing an idea out is a very good place for me to start. I could also see using a combination of the two techniques for optimal learning.
A typical advantage that pseudo code has is that it is closer to the finished product. There are no rules to writing pseudo code, so we are free to write the code as needed. Flowcharts are capable of showing both a very detail oriented view, as well as a very high level overview of processes at just a glance.