February 18, 2015

Event driven programs versus procedural programs

The differences in development procedures for event-driven programs differ from an event-driven program. The primary reason for these differences is that event-driven programs run differently than procedural programs. Procedural programs execute by proceeding logically through the program’s code, line by line. The statements in an event-driven program are only executed when a defined event occurs and that event calls a section of the program’s code assigned to the event.

Event-driven programming is defined as: “programming where the primary activity is reaction to receipt of semantically significant signals (aka ‘events’).” The primary activity of Procedural Programming is “planning and actuation towards a goal”.

Event-driven programs might be Object-Oriented, but they may not be Object-Oriented, this is not a requirement. Event-driven programming is very well suited to GUI programming. The development of these programs would need to be different, since one program is more reactionary than logical. Of course, when all is said and done, everyone has their own way of developing programs.

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